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TMS-Users Manual(applies to registered users)

The Movie Source :
    TMS: The User's Guide:
    By Robb Russell
    vers 1.0 dtd 10:45 AM 9/21/2002
    © Copyright 2002 TMS-The Movies Source

Drawing of computer; Size=240 pixels wide

Authors Note: This is a living document which I started to help others learn and enjoy TMS-The Movie Source. As with any living document it will be required to be updated and changed. I inspire other members to assist me to make this a great document on anything to do with file sharing and make TMS a better place to be part of.
There are actual links mentioned here . Since they are links we are not responsible should the links no longer work.I recommend you use the search engine google to find a newer link and report those changes to me to keep this document current.My email is

Brief Layout of this Guide: Each Chapter separated by a ************ !!
i.  Chapter 1  General Information.
ii. Chapter  2  Basic Rules of the #TMS-Movies Channel
iii. Chapter  3  File-Exchange Being Served by a Fileserver
iv. Chapter  4  How To Use and Get Movies from A XDCC Server
v. Chapter  5  Definitions and Terms of Video File Names
vi.     Chapter  6  My Answer To A Common Problem: Player or Codec 

1. Chapter  One <1>
General Information:
1a. This manual has been written to address the quickest speediest methods to share movies or other software related material.
1b. TMS is basically a group of friends who work with TMS-Members first and make things happen better for the group as a whole. We learn about sharing, playing, ripping and burning of video software or other software related entities. TMS is run by  network operators for the benefit of the group.
1c. This was the message that started TMS.
Many monthes ago I loved to play trivia here but I wanted movies and frankly so little effort was put into #movie-heaven What's missing here is really simple, a system. First of all three important functions need to happen to make this work and this is where you can help Musirc, and become a member of the #movie-Heaven Team. Members of the team have nicks that say TMS in front. I was theBREADboyz for years and TMS-Bibo was Bibo. Today we where the nick to show we are trying to make MUSIRC a nice place to be proud of. Inorder to be a member you also must have the TMS- before your nickname.
1c.<1>. MOVIE SCOUTS: If we don't keep current movies in this place we will just die off. So what we need are assigned volunteers to go to other channels and feed our DISTRO. Want a small important job and full access to all the hidden movies here too. Volunteer for assignments we need in the future. Page TMS-Bibo the Chief of Distribution if you are interested.
1c<2>. TMS-Distro: Presently being distributed manually get email newsletter for what is where>. Priority given to those who serve the most Gb's a week first. Exactly how the channel #tms -distro will work is explained below.
1c<3>. <channel is inactive and will activiated and ran according Chapter  1c<3>
yes the private channel, #tms-distro. Dedicated Fservers in #TMS and movie scouts have access to this special invitation only place. This is where the Fservers get new material to serve in #TMS-Movies. We need dedicated Fservers about 10 of them in #TMS-Movies at all times to have a real great source of movies for all members of Musirc. Set up Invision and we will give you movies to both enjoy and serve to our many musirc friends. As long as you don't leech and not serve for one week you will be always welcome behind these special doors. Should you leech and fail to serve movies you could be banned access to DISTRO easily. Contact TMS-BREAD or TMS-Bibo for access after your Fserver is on line with at least one movie we need served for one week or 1GB served and you are in.
1c<4>. #TMS-Movies: The main channel for movies on Musirc. This is where general membership get their movies but those with DISTRO access will always get higher priority from DISTRO. I want this to be great place for movies but; as you all know it takes many of us working together to keep and make this a great place. The goal is keeping 10 active fservers up at a time and it is obvious we need your help now.
1c<4>a. As the line goes, "Make new friends but keep the old" from a popular childrens song implies, Stepping outside of your comfort zone to try new things doesn't mean leaving things familiar behind. We have become so familiar with the few things we know here on Musirc like chatting, playing trivia and sharing mp3's, that we become reluctant to try something new. As a result a wealth of information is not being tapped here on Musirc unless you become part of the solution. Join the #TMS-The Movie Source Team and become a active member of TMS-THE MOVIE SOURCE!
1c<4>b. I have created a channel #TMS. A learning channel to set up and recieve Invision, and other related software for serving and about becoming a member of the #TMS-Movie team. This channel is for requests of movies and announcements of new movies on servers in addition to helping others learn about TMS. The serving of documents and software related to serving is permitted. However, the serving of movies is prohibited and the channel #tms-movies is designated for that sole purpose.We have nicknames with a TMS in front. It tells anyone on a network you serve on that you know about movies; how to get them, play them, encode them and hopefully rip them too someday. Hanging out in #TMS will be a good place if you are new to movies or want to learn new things about video.

1c<4>c. Channel #TMS-Help A set up or help channel no triggers, announcements etc. allowed. The idea is to have a channel designated to work with those who need help and without interuptions.As a beginner we may ask you to go to that channel. To go to #tms-help type in channel /join #tms-help.
1c<4>c. Channel #TMS-Chat this is a channel open to anyone and is a good place to meet other tms-mebers and learn all about video ripping, burning etc. it also may be the only channel you can find a active tms-member since many of us idle in the other channels.
1c<4>e. Auto FSERV Downloader: We have special software for your use a mirc script designed as a Auto FSERV downloader. It allows us to be able to download from specified servers anywhere on the net and find movies to share. This can be used both on MUSIRC and off to other IRC channels. I will make this available to any member of the the team who has a TMS nickname. It is a very important tool for those of us who enjoy downlloading movies.  
1c<4>f. The channels we serve on will become better and more members will join and stay once we get all the systems in place and all of us working as a team in unison. Think about it we offer alot more friendship and assistance to others then KAZAA and many of the irc networks and we are unique enough to offer many additional things on the networks we serve.
1c<4>f. Contact any TMS member and volunteer to be part of the #TMS team today! You will know us by our nick names that say THE MOVIE SOURCE and I welcome you to become a member too. You have 48 hours or two days from the time you first enter our channel #tms-movies . We expect you to learn about us and will encourage you to join as a serving member. We will make every effort to get you on board but if you get banned just leave a message for TMS-Bread with your email address and you will be removed from the banned or shit list provideing you make an active effort to serve!

ii. Chapter  2  Basic Rules of the #TMS-Movies Channel
2a. Instead of a story I decided to write the Rules page like a FAQ. It's generally the same but takes up more room so it looks better. Here you'll find answers to common questions some people have asked. You won't however find the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everthing here.
2a.<1> When We Started
The group started in June 2002 and and you may find us on several irc chat networks.
2a.<2> What We Do
We do movies. We don't do porn or appz or mp3's or games.If that is what you are looking for we have other other channels you may start for these purposes they are but are not limited to:
2a.<2>a Channel support and services are available. However I want to make it absolutely clear no kiddie porn will be served ever period . Those who violate this will be permamnently banned from any and all TMs channels forever regardless of what ever IRC Channel TMS can be found!! TMS members are not pedofiles, and dependent upon the material offered you may in addition to a ban may find yourself and the files turned over to the approriate law enforcement officials in your state, province or country! I hope this clear because TMS is a place for fun and enjoyment and not a place for sick, insane pedofiles to share files.
2a.<3>Where We Are
We started on an IRC channel on MUSIRC. We are now a closed and private channel and offer 48 hours for you to set up a server and share movies.This is also the time to get a few movies and check us out.
2a.<4> Where Are Your Releases
Lots of places. They get out to public IRC channels, and possibly ftp's, usenet, file sharing programs and more. Open your eyes and you'll be ale to find them.
2a.<5> Who Is TMS?
Your friend, neighbor, relative, congressman, lawyer, doctor or pretty much anyone else you might happen to see. TMS is an acronym for The Movie Source and we need members that serve and share movies and really are not interested in the simple file leach. If you want to be a member you are always welcome but if you make a pig of yourself and intend on not setting up a fserver expect to become a member of my famous shit list.
2a.<6> How do I get off the Shit List:
Send a message to TMS-Bread, TMS-Angicam, TNMS-Bibo or TMS-Zach about instructions to set up a fserver. It may take as much as 24 hours to get a ban lifted die to time zones but if you want to become a member and serve you will be removed from the list. You can also send email to and state your case.
3a. Other Rules
3a<1> No profanity, or harrasing of ops <@, or %). Our channels are intended for all audiences <except #tms-porn>.If you are given a watch your language message it may be your only clue you are about to be banned. The second offense is a silent ban.
3a<2> No clones may be used to pull additonal mocvies off servers. One leaching clone at a time. Please do not make a pig of yourself.
3a<3> We do not serve to anonymous nicknames such as MUSIRC12345675762A, you will be asked to change your nick if you are receiving a movie and it has has stopped you have been gived a 60 minute ban and must type /nick <newnickname> to re enter and remain in channel as a guest.
3a<4> Guest have 48 hours privledges to join and set up a server. No exceptions except in rare cases where a meber is having a problem setting you up and this is usually when you are behind a firewall. TMS-Bread has the final say and is the only one who can remove channel bans.if you are having trouble send me a pm and tell me what member was trying to help you.

Chapter  3
File-Exchange Being Served by a Fileserver
Their are two methods of geting movies in #tms-movies. The first is a file serve which gives you access to someones actuall computer through a designated shared directory and is dicsussed here in Chapter  3. The second method is XDCC.The XDCC server is another file server, but instead of giving users access to a certain directory, you choose which specific files you want to offer and you advertise these files in the rooms that you are in. This method is explained in detail in Chapter  4.
As already mentioned, Fileservers in mIRC are usually hosted as a dcc session, where the server attempts to dcc chat you (the client). In this dcc chat session, you may enter certain commands to navigate around the server (which just is a limited part of the server's computer). The commands used in a fileserver are very similar to the commands used in DOS, if you ever have used it :).
How do I find and enter a Fserve?
Well, first you need to join a channel where fserves are likely to be. Be it a mp3 channel, pic trading channel or the like, find it (by using /list *topic you're interested in*) and /join that channel. Once you're there, stop a little and just watch what's going on. You'll most likely see several people sending messages that says something like "Fserve is up, offering something, ratio 1:3, Start credit 0 etc.... These messages are advertisements for the fserve, and means that that person is running a fserve. If the advertisement is running, the server has open slots (meaning it has open spaces for more people to connect to it) and you may try to enter it. If a person is not running an ad, he's most likely not running a fserve or haven't got any openings at present, so do NOT attempt to trigger his/her's fserve until you see the ad (for reasons explained below)
You enter it with whatever trigger that the server is using, usually the advertisement will announce this as trigger, and the triggerword usually looks something like !Metalmp3. To access the fserve, simply type the triggerword in the channel. ONCE. Typing it several times does nothing and is very annoying, as well as stressful for the server as the server will automatically have to check to see if there are open slots every time you type the triggerword. So type it once every minute or so, that is more than sufficient. If the fserve has an open slot for you, it will now attempt to initiate a dcc chat with you, accept this chat and you'll enter the fserve. If it doesn't have an open slot, you may get a notice saying the fserve is full, or no notice at all, depending on the script used by the server.
What do you see when you enter the fserve?
Well, again dependant on the fserve script, you may be dumped straight into the server, or you may have a welcome message, or you may have a welcome message that prompts you to type something (typically Rules, for one of the most common fserve scripts, Panzer). Just read the welcome message and don't stress out, you're already accepted on the fserve and you won't be kicked out unless you break any of the rules on the fserves, which means you've got a yet better reason to actually read the welcome msg. Some scripts (again, Panzer) has an option where it does not let you enter the fserve itself unless you actually type Rules first. Once you've cleared out this, you should have a command line prompt ready for you to enter on, and you can begin your fserve session :)
How do I USE the fserve then? How do I get the files??
As before mentioned, using a fserve is similar to using DOS in several regards, the commands are basically similar, so if you've ever used it, you'll know what to do. You will not be able to go to a higher-level folder than your root folder (the folder you enter when you first enter the fserve), and some fserves also have other folders set as unavailable. The commands for using the fserve are as follows:
Dir: Lists the content of the current folder. You may also use ls to get a column-formatted list.
Cd: Changes folder. Use cd foldername to enter that folder (must be a folder within the folder you're currently in), or cd .. to leave the current folder.
Get: Retrieves a file (dcc sends it to you). Usage get filename.ext, for instance get cynthia01.jpg. Many servers operate with a ratio, which means the number of bytes you are able to download (get from the server) for each byte uploaded to the server. If the fserve is ratiobased and your credit (the number of bytes available for you to download with), you need to upload some files to the fserve, you do this by dcc sending the files to the nick of the fserve owner. If he/she has stated certain files he want/don't want in his/her's rules, you should obey this. Most fserve owners check what is being uploaded and may kickban you out of the fileserver at any time if you break the rules. If you have available credit and all that, you may now download the file you wish.
Read: Reads a txt (text) file, what this command practically does is to /play it to your chat window, so you can read the contents of the textfile in the chat window. Read is not limited by available credits.
Usage read filename.txt.
Help: Gives you the available help in the fserve, some fserves have more help than others, but they all have some help. Plain help gives you the available help commands, help command (for instance help read) gives help on the command specified.
Exit: Ends the fserve and the dcc chat session. Dependant on the fserve script used, it will/will not keep your credits so if you return at a later time, you will still have your credits available to download with.
In addition, the fserve owner can see what you type (the commands you type, as well as any other text), so you may ask him for help and hope he's paying attention. Or even /msg, though some people don't appreciate that. The most important thing to remember is to use your head and don't try to rip anybody off, if you do you'll quickly find outself banned from all fserves in that channel, and often also in other channels. That is after all what you do not want to happen :)
I hope this little tutorial has covered the subjects that are unclear, if not, please do send us an private message to TMS-bread and let us know what we should add or what is unclear.
Chapter  4
How To Use and Get Movies from A XDCC Server:
Source: Robb Russell

An XDCC server is a server that allows users to access files that  have organized into packs. A pack is simply a file with some settings associated with it such as a description, you may get a pack from a XDCC Server by issuing the command /msg yournickname xdcc send #N where N is the pack number they wish to get.
Below is an example from #tms-movies on musirc from the member TMS-Angicam and in this tutorial we are going to break down this serving message so that you may understand and use all xdcc messages:
Example Header File: This is the beginning of every XDCC serving message and you need to be able to both read and understand it.
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> XDCC Server Active Sends:«2/2» Queues:«1/5»
First you see the time the xdcc message was sent out followed by the member <tms-angicam> and it tells us the server is active but currently has already met its total sends of 2 of 2 sends are currently being shared on the network; however, note the following line Queues 1 of 5 this means you can order a ordera movie from this server and when a send is available you will be sent out the movie. Right now this message tells us that server TMS-angicam has queue slots free and if you request a movie you will be put in the queue and served when your slot becomes free. However, if you leave the channel after 10 minutes your que will be dropped.
The second header line states the current bandwidth <bw> and the record file send speed in kbs.
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam>  Current BW:«10.5 Kbs» Record CPS:«9.7 Kbs by Babylove»
Reading the available movies from a xdcc message:
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #1 «153 MB» Fear.Dot.Com.(1of2) - (2 gets)
The first line gives us the time, followed by the server and the third item #1 is the pack number. The pack number is required to request a movie and in this example pack number #1 Fear.Dot.Com.(1of2) - (2 gets)
will request the file name Part 1 of 2 and it has been previosly requested two other times.
To request this movie you must copy and paste tms angicam's ctcp trigger from the end of the xdcc advertisements and in this example a total of 13 filenames are advertised and precede the ctcp trigger:
Type:/ctcp tms-angicam XDCC Send #
To request this a file name you must insert the pack number and in this case the pack number is 1.
Now to get this movie you send this message to the channel, #tms-movies
/ctcp tms-angicam XDCC Send #1
Please note the words Type and the symbol : may not be sent as they confuse the server and no movie request will be sent. You simply send from the "/" to the pack number.

Example of a Complete XDCC Message:

[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> XDCC Server Active Sends:«2/2» Queues:«1/5»
8:41am] <@tms-angicam>  Current BW:«10.5 Kbs» Record CPS:«9.7 Kbs by Babylove»
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #1 «153 MB» Fear.Dot.Com.(1of2) - (2 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #2 «93.8MB» Fear.Dot.Com.(2of2) - (0 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #3 «153 MB» Insomnia.(1of2) - (1 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #4 «129 MB» Insomnia.(2of2) - (1 gets)
[8:41am] <TMS-DRSeuss> hey Zach
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #5 «117 MB» My.Big.Fat.Greek.Wedding.(1of2) - (4 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #6 «121 MB» My.Big.Fat.Greek.Wedding.(2of2) - (2 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #7 «152 MB» Peter.Pan.Return.To.Neverland.(1of2) - (3 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #8 «149 MB» Peter.Pan.Return.To.Neverland.(2of2) - (1 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #9 «151 MB» Queen.Of.The.Damned.(1of2) - (0 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #10 «97.5MB» Queen.Of.The.Damned.(2of2) - (1 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #11 «190 MB» - (0 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #12 «81.2MB» - (0 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> #13 «132 MB» About.a.boy.(1of2) - (0 gets)
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> Served:«2.59G» Packs Offered:«13»
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> MOTD: -= Invision 2.0 Build 1816 =-
[8:41am] <@tms-angicam> Type:/ctcp tms-angicam XDCC Send #<pack number>
Many of us use XDCC triggers in #tms-movies and they are broadcasted a minimum of every twenty minutes. Sio if you do not see a file choice right away just stay in channel for twenty minutes and scroll up and see all the choices that are available.
Chapter  5
Definitions and Terms of Video File Names
by Robb Russell
When a movie is encoded it is given a file name that indicates the nature of its source by using an abbreviated form of the source type. So a TeleSync movie is named using a TS in the end of the file name, for example.
Type Meaning Video Source Explanation File Naming Example
CAM Camcorder Camcorder A movie is taped in a theater with a camcorder.The video may be dark or not centered. Audience noise may be heard. (smr)getcarter-cam(1of2).avi
TS TeleSync Camcorder Also taped in a theater, but often with a better camcorder on a tripod, with direct feed from the theater sound system. (smr)rememberthetitans-ts(1of2).avi
WP WorkPrint Video Tape A pre-final cut copy of the film; may be incomplete. Good audio quality but visual quality can vary. [smr]highlander-endgame-wp[1of2].avi
VHS VHS Tape Video Tape Standard VHS Tape. [smr]pink_flamingos-vhs[1of2].avi
SCR Screener Video Tape A promotional VHS tape sent to censors, movie stores, and critics for preview. A copyright message may appear in video. [smr]bodyshots-scr(1of2).avi
TC TeleCine 35-mm Film A digital copy is made from the film itself using a special machine. [smr]gone_in_60_seconds-tc[1of2].avi
LD LaserDisc Analog Disc 12- or 8-inch diameter optical discs with analog video and digital audio.Better than VHS, worse than DVD. [smr]raiders_of_the_lost_ark-ld[2of2].avi
VCD Video Compact Disc N/A An original Professionally produced VCD [smr]the_beheaded_1000-english-subbed-vcd[1of2].avi
SVCD Super Video CD Varies A SVCD is very similiar to a VCD, it has the capacity to hold about 35-60 minutes on 74/80 min CDs of very good quality video (smr)scooby_doo-svcd-ts(1of2).avi
DVD Digital Versatile Disc Digital Disc High capacity optical discs with MPEG-2 video with multiple versions; widescreen, subtitles, etc. Can also hold data. [smr]mickey_blue_eyes_dvd[1of2].avi
For technical quality of video and audio presentation, the order from worst to best is:
WP < Cam < TS < SCR < TC < VHS < LD < VCD < SCVD < DVD (in general)
Additional Movie Type Descriptions
Type Explanation File Naming Example
Subbed Movie has text subtitles in one or more languages. [smr]crouching_tiger_hidden_dragon-good-english-subbed[1of2].avi
Unsubbed Movie is a version without text subtitles cluttering the view. [smr]pitchblack-scr-unsubbed[1of2].avi
Dubbed The voice of one or more actors is 'dubbed' over in another voice, usually in a different language. [smr]la_femme_nikita-dubbed-dvd[1of2].avi
Chapter 5
My Answer To A Common Problem: Player or Codec
By Robb Russell
First of all how many times have you gotten a movie ; waited hours to days to wait for it to finish and you pop it in your favorite player and it does not play. More then once right!
Well as we moved on and collected movies we kept running into the same problem. Thinking back I have probably thrown away hundreds that initially wont play. But many of them do and it is what we do and know that makes them work.
It all starts from the initial compression of the video and over the years I have seen to many formats come, go and even improve in time. These are my ways to approaching the video dont play situation.
First of all I only use and keep two players the first is Windows media Player why  because its free and well supported by Microsoft. Second I use my copy of Divx 5.0 But the most important thing is keeping my codecs up to date. I keep up with two sets of codecs the first is the Nimo Codec pack and the second is angel potion <smr stuff usually>. Guess what these four and I almost always can view , emulate and burn most anything. Once these codec packs are installed I just operate the players and let the codecs do the work. Install and forget, and I like that.
So if you are having a problem with a downloaded video do my test of four:
1>Install Nimo Codec Pack
2> Install Angel Potion
3. Open in Windows Media Player
4. Open in Divx
How much will this all set you back nothing each of them are supported for free and on the web.
The Nimo Codec pack handles all of these codecs:
- Coder & decoder Divx 4.12 Build 307 (Project Mayo)(divX).
- Coder & decoder DivX V3.11a (3.11Alpha Low Motion)(Div3)
for playing old compressed movies.
- Coder & decoder DivX v3.11a (3.11Alpha Fast Motion)(Div4)
for playing old compressed movies.
- Coder & decoder DivX WMA Audio V4.2 (Standard)(divxa32).
- Coder & decoder MPEG-Layer 3 Audio V4.2 (Professional)(l3acm), With control panel icon.
- Decoder for AC3 Audio V2.2.
- Coder & decoder MS MPEG-4 (For ASF/DivX Conversion)(mpg4,mp42,mp43).
- Filters for Vob playback in Windows Media Player:
MPEG Parser ActiveX filter
MPEG Decoder ActiveX filter
- MS-MPEG4 ActiveX filter
- DivX V3.2 ActiveX filter
- DivX V4.0 ActiveX filter
- DivX AC3 Prologic ActiveX filter
- The : InterVideo Audio Decoder ActiveX filter (No limit time)
- The MS Mpeg Original codec (Microsoft)
- The New MPEG-2 Splitter AC3 XForm
- The New Ligos MPEG-2 Splitter
- The Morgan Multimedia Stream Switcher (To change the audio stream in WMP)
- I-Media Multi-MPEG2-Source
- MPEG Layer-2 Audio Decoder
- MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM
- DivX AntiFreeze Filter (No more freezed movies)
- DirectSound 3D Renderer (with help files)
- Cyberlink PowerDVD 3.0 Audio Decoder
- Ogg Vorbis Audio codec for MSACM
- (Lame mp3)
- Windows Media Audio Codec
- Lame MP3 Encoder ACM Codec
- 3ivx Delta 3.5 Codec for QuickTime Windows and the pluging for flask
- Plug-ins for Flask: Panasonic MPEG 1, LSX MPEG 1 or MPEG2
- The New Mpeg2dec DLL And the New Avisynth 1.05 MMX Dll for fast Frameserving
- The New SimpleResize filter for Avisynth
- The New Lame MP3 Encoder ACM 0.3.0
- The New Directshow Bicubic Resizer 1.3
- The New Playa 0.6.6
- The New DivX AntiFreeze Filter 0.4
- The New Sub Station Alpha v2.x/4.x
- The New Moonlight Odio Dekoda
- The New Moonlight Scalar Filter
- The New Subtitle Picture Decoder
- The New DynEQ DirectShow filter
- The New DivX G400 Filter ver 2.7
- The New DivFix 1.06 with Source Code
- The Logo plug-in for VirtualDub and Nandub
- The New Fraunhofer Vob Filters
- The New Fraunhofer Mp3 codec
Angel Potion is very bootleg and you will need to search google for a site offering it now.
© Copyright 2002 TMS-The Movies Source
